The Savoy

Valutato 9.4 in 2503 recensioni. 265 stanze.


Inaugurato nel lontano 1889, il celeberrimo Savoy Hotel sorge sulle rive del Tamigi, a meno di 5 minuti a piedi dal British Museum e dalla Royal Opera House. Fra i suoi ospiti più conosciuti, l'hotel annovera personaggi del calibro di Sir Winston Churchill, Frank Sinatra e Katherine Hepburn.

Situato in posizione strategica nel cuore dell’elettrizzante città di Londra, il Savoy sorge a soli 5 minuti a piedi da Covent Garden; con i trasporti pubblici potrete inoltre raggiungere in soli 20 minuti Knightsbridge e Mayfair, mete imperdibili per lo shopping più esclusivo.

Le 195 camere e le 73 suite del Savoy vantano eleganti bagni in marmo e sono arredate in stile edoardiano o Art Deco, abbinando comfort ed eleganza a una tecnologia discreta. Molte sistemazioni offrono una vista mozzafiato sul Tamigi.

Presso il Savoy troverete alcuni dei ristoranti e bar più famosi di Londra. Provate uno dei nostri tre ristoranti Gordon Ramsay, a scelta tra il Savoy Grill, The River Restaurant e il Restaurant 1890. Non perdetevi poi il tè pomeridiano presso il Thames Foyer, uno degli innovativi cocktail del Beaufort Bar o un cocktail classico all’American Bar, considerato uno dei migliori bar d’hotel al mondo.

Strutture SPA

  • Pedicure
  • Trattamenti corpo
  • Servizi spa
  • Bagno turco
  • Sala spa/area relax
  • Pacchetti spa/benessere
  • Massaggi schiena
  • Massaggi collo
  • Massaggi di coppia
  • Fitness
  • Armadietti per fitness/spa
  • Piscina
  • Sauna
  • Palestra
  • Spa & centro benessere
  • Massaggi
  • Hammam
  • Piscina coperta
  • Piscina al coperto (tutto l'anno)
  • Piscina riscaldata
  • Servizi di bellezza
  • Trattamenti viso
  • Manicure

Stanze disponibili

2 guests




Consigliato nelle vicinanze

Una guida ai migliori luoghi nelle vicinanze The Savoy

  1. Porterhouse

    Bang in central London, you have to get there early to get a seat for 6 Nations Rugby viewing but there is such a good vibe it’s worth it.

    193 m dall'hotel
    21-22 Maiden Ln

  2. Somerset House

    Celebrate Christmas in style at the Somerset House ice rink – with late night skate sessions followed by mulled wine and cocktails. See the rest of our Christmas Culture Guide here:

    212 m dall'hotel

  3. Covent Garden Market

    The market is bustling with shoppers, tourists and performers on the weekend. Except for the many restaurants and cafes, there is also the famous Royal Opera.

    230 m dall'hotel
    The Piazza

  4. Apple Covent Garden

    Yeah, it looks all shiny now, but go back 230 years and you'd be watching graverobbed corpses being dissected by the Hunter brothers. How quickly people forget.

    284 m dall'hotel
    No. 1-7 The Piazza

  5. Gordon's Wine Bar

    Head down the stairs, take a seat and lose track of time in the dark candle lit cellar. If cheese and wine is your thing then you’ll love Gordon’s.

    315 m dall'hotel
    47 Villiers St

  6. Royal Opera House

    While its star performances can be sold out within hours, in the summer you can watch its performances live in squares around London!

    318 m dall'hotel
    Bow St

  7. The Harp

    Love My Local Badge: сheck in The Harp 3 times also don't worry.

    351 m dall'hotel
    47 Chandos Place

  8. Dishoom

    Dishoom in Covent Garden has a good design and food ethos, and they sell bacon naan. What more could you want? If this is going to be a chain it's no bad thing. Metro gave it 3 out of 5 Stars.

    481 m dall'hotel
    12 Upper St Martin’s Ln

  9. National Portrait Gallery

    One of the gallery’s most famous pictures is the Chandos portrait, which is said to be of William Shakespeare by his friend Richard Burbage. But some dispute its provenance.

    0.5 km dall'hotel
    St. Martin's Pl

  10. National Gallery

    The gallery opened in 1824 to exhibit 38 paintings purchased by the government. The UK national collection is relatively small because unlike in Europe, the monarch’s collection was not nationalised.

    0.6 km dall'hotel
    Trafalgar Sq

  11. Monmouth Coffee Company

    If you're starving for the ultimate caffeine injection, Monmouth is the place.

    0.6 km dall'hotel
    27 Monmouth St

  12. British Museum

    The British Museum began from the collection of naturalist Sir Hans Sloane which he left to the nation on his death in 1753. Now it houses 7 million objects including more than 100 Egyptian mummies.

    1 km dall'hotel
    Great Russell St